Steak with potatoes is always a comfort food that people love, and nothing is more delicious than this one on the logs. But I bet a crock pot could make this dish much simpler! This hot and mouth-watering crockpot steak and potatoes recipe at the same time is not only delicious, but it also saves time, which is excellent during busy weeknights. Who doesn’t love this easy yet delicious dish?! Well, let’s get started because you are going to love it!

Why All Love This Crock Pot Recipe

Thanks to the crock pot, the slow cooking method will tenderize the meat while allowing the potatoes to absorb all the juices until they become soft. Prepare yourself for indulging in something that is not only delicious but also quite simple to prepare. You practically throw everything in a crock pot and forget it till it’s time to eat! On top of that, even a potato seasoning packet takes care of the taste without any trouble.

Ingredients for Crockpot Steak and Potatoes Recipe

Let us first discuss the ingredients before preparing the mouth-watering dish. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Steak (2-3 pounds of your choice): Ribeye, sirloin, or chuck steak works great in the crock pot. The meat is broken down with this cooking method, making even more rigid cuts tender that would have never been tender otherwise.
  • Potatoes (4-5 medium-sized): Use Yukon Gold potatoes, which are waxy in texture and do not disintegrate when cooked.
  • Onions (1 large, sliced): This gives a sweet and savory taste that balances nicely with the steak.
  • Garlic (2-3 cloves, minced): Garlic is well known for adding flavors to cooking cultures worldwide.
  • Potato Seasoning Packet: This is the secret ingredient to adding a little more flavor without having to find a lot of spices.
  • Beef Broth (1 cup): This helps keep the steak moist and adds flavor to the recipe.
  • Olive Oil (2 tablespoons): Add flavor to the steak precooked with the pots.
  • Salt and Pepper: Standard additions to enjoy the taste that nature intended.

Guide Step-to-Step Guide: How to Cook Together Steak and Potatoes in a Crockpot

This crock pot steak and potatoes recipe is simple and saves the cook the trouble of perfecting the process. Even a novice slow cooker should be able to pull it off. Let’s proceed with the guidelines in order:

Season the Steak:

The first thing to do is to start seasoning your steak with salt and pepper. Add olive oil to a cast iron skillet heated to medium-high, and when the pan is hot, sear the steak for approximately 2 minutes on each side to create a crust.

Arrange the Potatoes and Onions:

While the steak searing is in progress, you may want to do other preparations, like checking your potatoes. You can wash and cut them into two equal parts or four parts, depending on the size. The potatoes have to go right at the bottom of your crock pot.

Make Sure You Add the Steak:

After searing the steak, it is positioned above the potatoes and onions. If you cook more than one steak, stack them on top of the other.

Pour Some Beef Broth and Seasoning:

And now comes the best part. Thanks to this potato seasoning packet. Sculpt and sprinkle the seasoning over the steak and potatoes. Then, fill the container with the hot beef broth.

Set It and Forget It:

Put the crock pot lid back on and turn the heat to a minimum for six to eight hours, based on whether you would like the meat to be more cooked or less. If time isn’t working, you can place it on high for three to 4 hours. The low and slow methods produce the most tender results, but neither works well.

Check for Doneness:

Now that the time is up check the steak and potatoes for doneness. This steak should be served very juicy and tender, while the potato should be soft enough to be punctured by fork tines. Leave your steak in the crock pot for another thirty to sixty minutes if you want it cooked more.

Serving Suggestions for Your Crockpot Steak and Potatoes

It’s time to serve and dig in as your steak and potatoes in the crock pot are done. A few serving recommendations are provided to enhance the dish:

  • Use fresh parsley or thyme on the dish for serving to bring out the colors and freshness.
  • Combine steamed green beans, carrot sticks, or salad to balance the main course.
  • You may serve mashed potatoes alongside the steak instead of stewed potatoes.
  • You can make a lovely gravy using the contents found in the crock pot.


  • You can put a fresh onion in the bottom of the crockpot before adding the meat if you want to enhance the flavor of this recipe.
  • Add some flavor to this easy dish by mixing in some minced garlic cloves, Worcestershire sauce, steak spice, or garlic powder.
  • This easy recipe would taste rich and deep with a dash or two of red wine.
  • Add some of your favorite veggies, such as carrots, bell peppers, and celery, to make this dish more heartier.
  • The sauce will become creamier with the addition of a can of cream of mushroom soup.
  • You can use cubed sweet potatoes instead of baby potatoes.
  • Crushed red pepper flakes, cayenne pepper, or chili powder can provide a little spiciness.

Tips for Making the Perfect Crockpot Steak and Potatoes

To be sure every time that your dish will come out ideally, the following pointers will be of great help:

  1. Choose the Right Cut of Steak
    Set your sights on prime cuts such as rib eye, sirloin, or chuck steak. These are the slimmest ideal cuts for slow cooking, given that they get soft as they are cooked longer.
  2. Do use a Potato Seasoning Packet
    The potato seasoning packet is any dish’s secret weapon, supporting the dish’s ease and taste.
  3. Revise the Cooking Time Depending On One’s Taste Preference
    If you enjoy your steak medium – well done, you can opt to extend the cooking time a little bit more.

This flavorful steak and potato crockpot recipe is for those searching for a filling dish. It is hard to resist this dish, which has juicy, succulent, tender pieces of steak complemented with perfectly spiced-up potatoes and flavorful soup.

Estimated Nutrition value :(Serving Size: 1/4 of the recipe)

NutrientApproximate Value
Total Fat20-25g
Dietary Fiber5-7g
Total Carbohydrates25-30g


crockpot steak and potatoes recipe is best for busy weekdays. This tasty and filling steak and potato meal is the ideal comfort food. You may come home to a great supper that is ready to eat since the slow cooker performs all the work for you. The rich sauce, creamy potatoes, and delicate meat will delight even the pickiest palates.

Whether planning dinner for your family or receiving guests, you will win with this recipe. All you have to do is remember to get a seasoning packet for potatoes, cut some steak of your original choice, and place everything in the crock pot. !if you want to explore this kind of recipe you can also check this Roasted Potato Recipe . you can also learn more about this recipe from here Enjoy this simple dish and share your ideas with us in the comments section below!

Is steak good in a crock pot?

Yes! slow cooked steak is a great way for consistently making delicious and tender fillets. Slow cooking steak for hours on end allows the flavors to fully penetrate the flesh, resulting in a genuinely mouthwatering dish.

Can you put raw meat and vegetables together in a crock pot?

Raw meat should always be added to a slow cooker pot before adding other ingredients, such as green veggies. For my slow cooker dishes, browning the meat in a skillet before putting it in has been a crockpot.

Does meat need liquid in slow cooker?

To produce steam, liquid, such as water, is required. For efficient heat conduction throughout the crock when cooking meat or poultry, the water or liquid level should cover the items.

What vegetables should not be added to a slow cooker?

Vegetables such as peas, asparagus and peppers should not be added in slow cooker.

What steak is best for slow cooking?

Chuck Roast is the best choice for slow cooking and offers a great flavor. It comes from the shoulder and upper arm of the cow,

Crockpot Steak and Potatoes Recipe

Use the simple and easy crock pot recipe to make a delicious steak and potatoes dish. Most appropriate for busy days!

Crockpot Steak and Potatoes Recipe

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 4 hours
Total Time: 4 hours 30 minutes

Category: Main Course
Cuisine: American
Yield: 4

  • Steak (2-3 pounds of your choice)
  • Potatoes (4-5 medium-sized)
  • Onions (1 large, sliced)
  • Garlic (2-3 cloves, minced)
  • Potato Seasoning Packet
  • Beef Broth (1 cup)
  • Olive Oil (2 tablespoons)
  • Salt and Pepper

  1. . Add olive oil to a cast iron skillet heated to medium-high, and when the pan is hot, sear the steak for approximately 2 minutes on each side to create a crust.
  2. wash and cut the potatoes into two equal parts or four parts, depending on the size. The potatoes have to go right at the bottom of your crock pot
  3. Add the steak in the crockpot . If you cook more than one steak, stack them on top of the other.
  4. sprinkle the seasoning over the steak and potatoes. Then, fill the container with the hot beef broth.
  5. Put the crock pot lid back on and turn the heat to a minimum for six to eight hours, based on whether you would like the meat to be more cooked or less. If time isn't working, you can place it on high for three to 4 hours.
  6. while the potato should be soft enough to be punctured by fork tines. Leave your steak in the crock pot for another thirty to sixty minutes if you want it cooked more.

  • Calories : 350-400 kcal
  • Saturated Fat : 10-12g g
  • Protein : 30-35g g
  • Carbohydrates : 25-30g kcal
  • Calories : kcal

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